Tuesday, May 08, 2007


As of last Friday, Carrie and I are officially home owners! The house that we posted about 2 posts ago (the yellow house) is now ours. We closed Friday, by Friday night had all of the carpet torn up, and as of last night, removed the kitchen linoleum. Our new address is 290 Blair Street, Felton, CA, 95018.

You can view photos of our house/project by clicking on the Flickr thing on the right hand side of this page, just under our links. Try it out, let me know what you think. When you click on it, it will take you to my Flickr site, and then you can view the images as a slideshow (located on the right hand side under "jeremygeels' photostream").

Oh, and as you'll also see in the photos, I bought a scooter. Since Carrie and I only have her car and we are moving off of the Mission Springs grounds, I needed another mode of transportation. I know, it's pretty flashy, but it gets good gas mileage, Carrie can ride with me, and it looks old school.


At 3:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations! It shows lots of possiblility and I know you will work wonders with it. Good job on getting it on your blog, too! Love, Mom

At 3:04 PM, Blogger sdouma said...

Congratulations! It looks great! And there's something good about making some progress on the work that needs to be done right off the bat.

Nice looks on the scooter...especially the "I'm wise and pondering and looking off deep in thought..."

At 4:25 PM, Blogger Smarshie said...

Congratulations! I am SO happy for you guys!! Can I bring over a plant or something as a "New Home" gift? =)

At 9:48 PM, Blogger caramac said...

oh my gosh...love it. love the house, love you guys, love the scooter. jer, my favorite is the third one on the scooter set of pics b/c you're totally doing you're supermodel face-pose. seriously. look at it, poser. love it. send me an autograph.

At 5:33 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Wow! Flashy scooter; great color.
But - something's missing. Where's your helmet?
Ride carefully.
Oh - and nice house too.

At 8:19 PM, Blogger a & m kamper said...

and enjoy fixing up your new home
andrea and i would love to see your new place next year sometime when we come down to san jose


At 1:51 AM, Blogger Heather said...

I'm glad to see that your blog has been revived! Congratulations on the house, and I second all the other comments here about the racy scooter - it looks like fun!

At 12:49 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

congratulations friends...!! love the scooter and house. adorable :)

At 7:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

pretty cool guys ;-)

At 11:47 AM, Blogger NWPopje said...

So it's old news to you now, but congrats on the new house! Hope you both are doing awesome. Will we get to see you at Koek's wedding?

At 4:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mission Springs just won't be the same....

Reid & Joelle

At 8:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what's new with the geels? no posts since may 8? show some love!


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